All Francisco Oller y Cestero 's Paintings
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Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
21098 Banks of the Seine (mk06)  Banks of the Seine (mk06)   1875 9 3/4'' x 1' 1/2''(25 x 34 cm)Gift of Dr.Martinez,1953 RF 1953-19
21100 The Student (mk06)  The Student (mk06)   2' 1 3/4'' x 1' 9 1/4''(65.2 x 54.2 cm)Gift of Paul Gachet,1951 RF 1951-41

Francisco Oller y Cestero
San Juan,Puerto Rico 1833-Santurce 1917 Puerto Rican painter. He studied from 1851 to 1853 at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid under Federico de Madrazo y Kentz and in Paris from 1858 to 1863 under Thomas Couture and Charles Gleyre at the Ecole Imperiale et Speciale de Dessin and at the Academie Suisse. There he met Camille Pissarro, Paul Cezanne and Armand Guillaumin, who together with Couture and the work of Courbet influenced his work towards Realism and Impressionism.

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